
Removing Traffic Convictions, Surcharges, and Points

Traffic convictions, surcharges, and points are never good for your record. They can put you at risk of rising insurance rates, paying surcharges, and potentially having your license suspended entirely. In this article, we’ll briefly discuss Texas’ violation system and why you should look into removing your violations.

Texas Traffic Violation System

The Texas point system is fairly simple to understand. Moving violations result in two points while moving violations that lead to an accident are three points. Some violations lead to no points, like driving below the speed minimum or a simple seatbelt violation. Most violations, though, will lead to points being accrued.

Point System and Penalties

The accumulation of six points in a three year period will result in a hefty surcharge. Four moving violations in a 12 month period will result in your license being suspended. Certain violations also lead to surcharges, like driving without valid insurance or being convicted of a DWI. The vendor collecting the fees can charge extra in bloated fees, so it can be a very costly issue.

Choose Aaronson Law For Your Traffic Violations

As we stated above, traffic violations can be a huge burden on you financially. Let Aaronson Law Firm fight for the removal of your points, violations, and surcharges. Contact us today!

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